Our American Immigrant Entrepreneurs: The Women Author: Susan Pearce, Elizabeth Clifford and Reena TandonDate of Publication: 2011 DecSource Organization: American Immigration CouncilDownload: IPC--Our_American_Immigrant_Entrepreneurs-The_Women.pdf
Immigration and American Jobs Author: Madeline ZavodnDate of Publication: 2011 DecSource Organization: New American EconomyDownload: NAE_Im-AmerJobs.pdf
Up for Grabs: The Gains and Prospects of First- and Second-generation Young Adults Author: Jeanne Batalova and Michael FixDate of Publication: 2011 NovSource Organization: Migration Policy InstituteDownload: MPI_Up_for_Grabs--The_Gains_and_Prospects_of_First-_and_Second-generation_Young_Adults.pdf
Talent is Ready: Promising Practices for Helping Immigrant Professionals Establish their American Careers Author: Imprint ProjectDate of Publication: 2011 NovSource Organization: OtherDownload: talent is ready - imprint.pdf
Supporting Skilled Immigrants: A Toolkit for ESL Practitioners Author: Global Talent BridgeDate of Publication: 2011 NovSource Organization: World Education ServicesDownload: WES_Supporting-Skilled-Immigrants-ESL-Toolkit_2017.pdf
Assimilation Tomorrow: How America's Immigrants Will Integrate by 2030 Author: Dowell Myers and John PitkinDate of Publication: 2011 NovSource Organization: Center for American ProgressDownload: American_Progress---Assimilation_Tomorrow-How_Americas_Immigrants_Will_Integrate_by_2030.pdf
Shattered Families: The Perilous Intersection of Immigration Enforcement and the Child Welfare System Author: Seth Freed Wessler et alDate of Publication: 2011 NovSource Organization: OtherDownload: Applied_Research_Center---Shattered_Families.pdf
Adult Children of Immigrant Entrepreneurs: Memories and Influences Author: Nga-Wing Anjela Wong, Paul Y. Watanabe and Michael LiuDate of Publication: 2011 NovSource Organization: The Immigrant Learning Center, Inc.Download: ILC_Adult_Children_of_Immigrant_Entrepreneurs.pdf
An Economic Snapshot of Northwestern Queens 2011 Author: Office of the State Comptroller, New York CityDate of Publication: 2011 NovSource Organization: OtherDownload: queens.PNG
Increasing Opportunities for Immigrant Students: Community College Strategies for Success Author: Jill Casner-LottoDate of Publication: 2011 NovSource Organization: OtherDownload: Increasing_Opportunities_for_Immigrant_Students_2011.pdf