The Demographics of the Jobs Recovery: Employment Gains by Race, Ethnicity, Gender and Nativity Author: Rakesh KochharDate of Publication: 2012 MarSource Organization: Pew Research CenterDownload: Pew--The_Demographics_of_the_Jobs_Recovery.pdf
Statistical Portrait of Hispanics in the United States, 2010 Author: Seth MotelDate of Publication: 2012 FebSource Organization: Pew Research CenterDownload: Pew--Statistical_Portrait_of_Hispanics_in_the_United_States_2010.pdf
Statistical Portrait of the Foreign-born Population in the United States, 2010 Author: Eileen PattenDate of Publication: 2012 FebSource Organization: Pew Research CenterDownload: Statistical_Portrait_of_the_Foreign-Born_Population_in_the_United_States_2010.pdf
The Impact of Immigrants in Maryland Author: Commission to Study the Impact of Immigrants in MarylandDate of Publication: 2012 FebSource Organization: OtherDownload: md_immigration_commission_finalreport.pdf
Hispanics Say They Have the Worst of a Bad Economy Author: Paul Taylor, Mark Hugo Lopez, Gabriel Velasco and Seth MotelDate of Publication: 2012 JanSource Organization: Pew Research CenterDownload: Pew--Hispanics_Say_They_Have_the_Worst_of_a_Bad_Economy.pdf
U.S. Foreign-Born Population: How Much Change from 2009 to 2010? Author: Jeffrey S. Passel and D'Vera CohnDate of Publication: 2012 JanSource Organization: Pew Research CenterDownload: Pew--U.S._Foreign-Born_Population_-_How_Much_Change_from_2009_to_2010.pdf
Immigration for Innovation: How to Attract the World's Best Talent While Ensuring America Remains the Land of Opportunity for All Author: Marshall FitzDate of Publication: 2012 JanSource Organization: Center for American ProgressDownload: dwwsp_immigration.pdf
Immigrant Founders and Key Personnel in America's 50 Top Venture-funded Companies Author: Stuart AndersonDate of Publication: 2011 DecSource Organization: National Foundation for American PolicyDownload: ImmigrantFoundersandKeyPersonnelinAmericasTopVentureFundedCompanies.pdf
Limited English Proficient Individuals in the United States: Number, Share, Growth and Lniguistic Diversity Author: Chhandasi Pandya, Jeanne Batalova and Margue McHughDate of Publication: 2011 DecSource Organization: Migration Policy InstituteDownload: MPI--Limited_English_Proficient_Individuals_in_the_United_States.pdf
Our American Immigrant Entrepreneurs: The Women Author: Susan Pearce, Elizabeth Clifford and Reena TandonDate of Publication: 2011 DecSource Organization: American Immigration CouncilDownload: IPC--Our_American_Immigrant_Entrepreneurs-The_Women.pdf