Dreams deferred: Contextualizing the health and psychosocial needs of undocumented Asian and Pacific Islander young adults in Northern California Author: Sudhinarase, M., Ling, I., To, T. M., Melo, J., & Quach, T.Date of Publication: 2017 JulSource Organization: Other
Crossing the Line: U.S. Border Agents Illegally Reject Asylum Seekers Author: B. Shaw Drake, Eleanor Acer, & Olga Byrne Date of Publication: 2017 MaySource Organization: OtherDownload: hrf-crossing-the-line-report.pdf
How are Refugees Faring: Integration at U.S. and State Levels Author: Michael Fix, Kate Hoper, and Jie ZongDate of Publication: 2017 JunSource Organization: Migration Policy InstituteDownload: TCM-Asylum-USRefugeeIntegration-FINAL.pdf
Providing driver’s licenses to unauthorized immigrants in California improves traffic safety Author: Hans Luedersa, Jens Hainmuellera and Duncan LawrenceDate of Publication: 2016 NovSource Organization: OtherDownload: Providing_drivers_licenses_to_unauthorized_immigrants_in_California_improves_traffic_safety.pdf
The Evolving and Diversifying Nature of Migration to the U.S.-Mexican Border Author: Jessica BolterDate of Publication: 2017 FebSource Organization: Migration Policy InstituteDownload: The Evolving and Diversifying Nature of Migration to the U.S.-Mexico Border.pdf
Creating Cohesive, Coherent Immigration Policy Author: Pia M. Orrenius & Madeline ZavodnyDate of Publication: 2017 AprSource Organization: Center for Migration StudiesDownload: Creating_Cohesive_Coherent_Immigration_Policy.pdf
The 2,000 Mile Wall in Search of a Purpose: Since 2007 Visa Overstays have Outnumbered Undocumented Border Crossers by a Half Million Author: Robert Warren & Donald KerwinDate of Publication: 2017 AprSource Organization: Center for Migration StudiesDownload: The_2000_foot_wall_in_search_of_a_purpose-_Since_2007_Visa_Overstays_have_Outnumbered_Border-crossers_by_a_half_million.pdf
The Contributions of New Americans in California Author: New American EconomyDate of Publication: 2016 AugSource Organization: New American EconomyDownload: nae-ca-report.pdf
BREAKING THE BARRIERS: The Promise of Citizenship for Los Angeles County Author: Manuel Pastor, Justin Scoggins, Jared Sanchez, and Rhonda OrtizDate of Publication: 2016 MaySource Organization: Center for the Study of Immigrant IntegrationDownload: barriers.PNG
How For-profit Companies Are Driving Immigrant Detention Policies Author: Sharita GrubergDate of Publication: 2015 DecSource Organization: Center for American ProgressDownload: ForProfitDetention-briefDec.pdf