Unauthorized Migrants: Numbers and Characteristics

Jeffrey S. Passel
Date of Publication: 
June, 2005
Source Organization: 
Pew Research Center

"Unauthorized Migrants: Numbers and Characteristics" was prepared by Jeffrey S. Passel, a veteran demographer, and analyzes data from the March 2004 Current Population Survey. The report builds on previous work that estimated the size and geographic dispersal of the undocumented population and offers a portrait of that population in unprecedented detail by examining family composition, educational attainment, income and employment.  

The report estimates the number of persons living in families in which the head of the household or the spouse is an unauthorized migrant - 13.9 million as of March 2004, including 4.7 million children. Of those, some 3.2 million are U.S. citizens by birth but are living in "mixed status" families.  

Extensive data on the employment of unauthorized migrants maps their presence in many sectors of the U.S. labor force.

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Passel, Jeffrey S. (2005). Unauthorized Migrants: Numbers and Characteristics. Washington, D.C.: Pew Research Center. Retrieved from https://www.pewresearch.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/5/reports/46.pdf