Immigrant Detention: Can ICE Meet its Legal Imperatives and Case Management Responsibilities?
The US Immigration and Customs Enforcement is currently launching an initiative to move from a criminal incarceration model to a civil detention system. This report explores whether the agency is capable of meeting legal and case management responsibilities in light of its use of information systems that may not be collecting all the data necessary for compliance with legal, detention management and humanitarian standards.
The report analyzes select data for all 32,000 detainees held in ICE custody on one night in January 2009 and examines the sufficiency of the agency's database and case tracking system. The authors provide a roadmap for meeting the data needs essential for the new detention initiative to succeed.
Kerwin, D. and Lin, S. Y. (2009). Immigrant Detention: Can ICE Meet its Legal Imperatives and Case Management Responsibilities? Washington, D.C.: Migration Policy Institute.