Legal Immigration Will Resolve America’s Real Border Problems

David Beir
Date of Publication: 
August, 2019
Source Organization: 
Cato Institute

Recognizing the currently overwhelmed and ineffective immigration system, the author recommends five reforms to make the asylum system manageable again and restore control over immigration flows. Given that the vast majority of immigrants presenting themselves at the border are now families seeking asylum and entry into a legal immigration process, the author argues that opening up forms of legal immigration is the only way to humanely address the high immigration flows, as measures aimed at deterrence have not worked. The suggested reforms include: humanitarian parole, i.e. waiving entry restrictions for Central Americans in the backlogged green card lines and with family in the US; private refugee sponsorship by US residents and organizations; expansion of the H-2A and H-2B guest worker programs with a waiver on the H-2B cap and greater utilization of these programs for year-round jobs; legalization of all undocumented immigrants with no serious criminal convictions; and processing all asylum seekers immediately at the port of entry, releasing them with an employment authorization document contingent on their appearing in court. According to the author, legal immigration is itself a proven and effective mechanism to manage migration. He asserts that the proposed legal reforms would immediately relieve pressure on the Border Patrol, help dismantle criminal smuggling networks, and reduce the victimization of immigrants, including families and children. (Julianne Weis, Ph.D.)

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Beir, D. (2019). Legal immigration will resolve America’s real border problems. Cato Institute, Policy Analysis, No. 879. Retrieved from
