A Report on the State of Asian Americans in New Jersey

Khyati Joshi, Maneesha Kelkar, Jun Choi, Richard Sun, Kyunghee Choi, Steve Sung Kwon, Naveen Mehrotra & Ronald Chen
Date of Publication: 
May, 2019
Source Organization: 

While Asian Americans are often labeled the “model minority,” many are struggling in the state of New Jersey. A Report on the State of Asian Americans in New Jersey published by Jersey Promise, an Asian American advocacy group, shows a more nuanced picture of the Asian American population in New Jersey—26 percent of whom live below the Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed (ALICE) working poor marker. The report draws on data from a variety of sources to offer a comprehensive portrait of Asian Americans in New Jersey. Beginning with the history of Asian Americans in the state, the report then takes a deep dive into six policy areas: family and social issues, public education, economic opportunity, health care, immigration and justice, and civic participation. Although Asian Americans are the fastest growing racial group in New Jersey (comprising 10 percent of the state’s population), they are the least studied group and often the most misunderstood. The report highlights the fact that income inequality, social exclusion, nativism and the “model minority” myth have prevented Asian Americans from fully integrating into civic life. The authors conclude that an overarching barrier to integration lies in the fact that Asians are often under-represented in diversity and inclusion policies and trainings. In order to remedy this neglect, the report recommends that state and local governments should make it a priority to increase Asian American representation and civic participation. The report also includes recommendations in each of the six policy areas. (Deb D’Anastasio for The Immigrant Learning Center’s Public Education Institute)

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Joshi, K., Kelkar, M., Choi, J., Sun, R. Choi, K., Kwon, K. K., Mehrotra, R., & Chen, R. (2019). Report on the state of Asian Americans in New Jersey. Jersey Promise. Retrieved from https://jerseypromise.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Jersey-Promise-Report-Final-5.5.2019.pdf
