Immigration News Resources

Immigrants Contribute Billions to Federal and State Taxes Each Year

Without fail, each Tax Day a prevalent myth resurfaces that conceals the truth about immigrants’ contributions to federal, state, and local taxes. Bolstered by social media and other outlets, it misleadingly asserts that immigrants, particularly those who are undocumented, evade taxes. The facts don’t back up these claims. Immigrants, including undocumented immigrants, pay taxes. Our […]

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USCIS Re-Issues Temporary Rule to Extend Work Permits for 800,000 Immigrant Workers

Thousands of immigrant workers with pending work permit renewals, and their employers, breathed a sigh of relief last week. On April 8, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) issued a temporary rule that automatically extends the validity period of their work permits for up to 540 days, or about a year and a half. This […]

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USCIS Announces Employment Authorization Procedures for Palestinians Covered by Deferred Enforced Departure

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services today posted a Federal Register notice establishing procedures for Palestinians covered by Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) to apply for Employment Authorization Documents (EADs) that will be valid through Aug. 13, 2025.

Secretary Mayorkas Announces Extension and Redesignation of Ethiopia for Temporary Protected Status

Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro N. Mayorkas today announced the extension and redesignation of Ethiopia for Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for 18 months, from June 13, 2024, to December 12, 2025, due to ongoing armed conflict and extraordinary and temporary conditions in Ethiopia that prevent individuals from safely returning.

USCIS Adopts Department of Labor Definition of “Science or Art”

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services is issuing policy guidance in the USCIS Policy Manual to add the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) definition of “science or art” for Schedule A, Group II cases.

The Federal Government Is Cutting Aid for Migrant Shelters and Services. What Will States Do Now?

After months of contentious debate and near government shutdowns, Congress approved appropriations for fiscal year 2024, which President Biden quickly signed into law. The spending package contains several important immigration-related appropriations and provisions. Alarmingly, however, $800 million has been cut from the Shelter and Services Program (SSP) under the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and […]

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FY 2024 Government Funding Package Is a Mixed-Bag on Immigration

President Biden signed the final 6-bill “minibus” funding package for fiscal year (FY) 2024 on March 23, which includes funding for the agencies that implement our immigration laws. This was the culmination of months of negotiations mired by attempts to insert restrictive border and immigration policy changes into the budget. While the compromise package doesn’t […]

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USCIS Announces Information Regarding EB-5 Regional Center Audits

Under the new provisions of section 203(b)(5)(E)(vii) added by the EB-5 Reform and Integrity Act of 2022 (RIA) to the Immigration and Nationality Act, we must audit each designated regional center at least once every five years.
